File Download: 78-254


对受托人的看法 ______________________________________________________________________________

Complainant: Respondent: 连杆箱编号:

Board of Trustees:

254, January 26, 1982


Harrison Combs, Chairman; John J. O’Connell, Trustee, Paul R. 迪恩,受托人.

根据1950年美国联合煤矿工人福利计划和信托皇冠搏彩中心网站第九条,并根据美国劳工部授予的豁免授权, 受托人已经审查了有关整形手术期间激光治疗程序覆盖范围的争议的事实和情况,并在此提出他们对此事的意见.

Background Facts

The 员工’s wife underwent corrective surgery in February, 1981, for the treatment of an injury to her nose. Prior approval for the surgery was obtained from the Plan Administrator. During the surgery, the surgeon used a laser to seal the patient’s endothelial surfaces, reduce trauma to the surrounding tissue, create a sterilized wound, and reduce blood loss.

The Insurance carrier covered the surgical fee of $1,750.00, but denied the fee of $650.该激光器的使用,基于这种使用是实验性的. The carrier also denied a fee of $100.00 for pre-anesthesia services which it considered to be excessive.

Question or Dispute


Position of Parties

员工认为保险公司应该支付使用激光的费用,因为事先获得了计划管理者的手术批准. 雇员还声称,激光的使用不是创新的或实验性的,医生已经证明了其使用的合理性. 他还认为,麻醉前服务通常与住院病人手术前一晚获得的服务相同,因此应包括在内.

Opinion of the Trustees
连杆箱编号. 254
雇主:保险公司拒绝在手术中使用激光的保险是基于第三条, A (10) (a) 24 of the 雇主’s Plan, 哪条规定使用新科技医疗仪器及实验性治疗的收费不包括在付款范围内. 除了, 保险公司认为100美元的麻醉前费用应该包含在250美元的麻醉费用中. 他们认为这一费用过高,拒绝起诉是根据第三条A (10) (A) 12. 最后, 雇主声称他只是在手术前解释了雇主计划中有关手术的条款, but did not authorize the specific charges.

Pertinent Provisions
雇主福利计划第III条A (10) (A) 12、24条规定如下:

(a) 除了 to the specific exclusions otherwise contained in the Plan, benefits are also not provided for the following:

12. Excessive charges as determined solely by the Plan Administrator.

24. 使用新科技医疗仪器及试验性治疗的收费.

Question and Answer #62: “Subject: Fee Maxima

“References: Amended 1950 & 1974 Benefit Plans & 信托、艺术. 三世,教派. A (10)(a) 12.


  1. “1.  受托人是否有权在地理区域内按程序或提供者规定最高收费标准, and to limit payments to fee maxima?
  2. “2.  如有,对收费上限的统一管理有何要求?
  3. “3.  如果可以适用最高费用,则受托人和个别公司计划管理人管理的计划之间的最高费用必须相同?


“1. 是的. 1950年和1974年福利计划和信托的受托人有权拒绝支付由受托人单独确定的“过度收费”.”

Opinion of the Trustees 连杆箱编号. 254


  1. “2.  没有全国统一的要求,但提供者地位平等

    under the Trustees’ criteria must be treated equally.

  2. “3.  No. 1950年和1974年的福利计划和信托条款规定,过度收费完全由受托人决定, 公司计划的提供将责任交给计划指定的计划管理者.”


Under Article III, A (10 (a) 24 of the 雇主’s Plan, 使用新技术医疗设备和试验性疗法的治疗不包括福利. Generally the use of a laser is not considered to be experimental. With respect to the type of surgery performed on the 员工’s wife, 然而, 激光的使用仍在研究中,被认为是实验性的. 因此,该治疗不属于雇主计划的承保范围.

除了, under Article III, A (10) (a) 12 of the 雇主’s Plan, the employer is not required to pay a charge which the Plan Administrator, in his sole discretion, has determined to be excessive. The Plan Administrator has determined that $100.00 of the pre-anesthesia service fee is excessive. Since this determination was made by the Plan Administrator, the 雇主 is not obligated to pay the charge. 和, 因为决定收费是否过高完全由计划管理人自行决定, the Trustees may not comment on the reasonableness of the charge.

The 员工 claims, 然而, 雇主应支付因事先获得计划管理者对手术的批准而被拒绝支付的费用. 雇主声称他没有批准被否认的具体指控. The Trustees may not resolve this dispute. 根据劳工部授予受托人的ROD豁免, 受托人只能解决在雇主计划条款下产生的争议. 而且,雇主计划并没有解决在获得事先批准后是否必须支付手术费用的问题. 因此, 即使假设雇员正确地陈述雇主确实事先批准了费用, 受托人无权评论这是否足以作为要求雇主支付被拒绝支付的费用的依据.

Opinion of the Trustees

受托人认为,雇主不需要支付手术期间使用激光的费用. 除了, 因为计划管理员认为100美元的麻醉前服务费用过高, the 雇主 is not required to pay this charge. 最后, 劳工部给予的豁免并不授权受托人就雇主是否事先批准了后来被拒绝的具体收费问题发表评论.